On 29/06/15 17:05, Claude Warren wrote:
I'll have to mess with the build when I get home.

On Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 4:42 PM, Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org> wrote:

On 29/06/15 09:57, Claude Warren wrote:

The contract-test-maven-plugin should be version 0.1.4

There is a dependency on this (not the plugin) in jena-core:pom.xml


Claude - the plugin is, well, just a plugin isn't it? I removed the dependency and the tests seem to pass.

Can the dependency simply be removed, leaving it only in <plugin>?


Also, would it be possible to remove the logging at [INFO] for the next version of the contract framework?


Messages like:
INFO [main] (ContractSuite.java:343) - Running: org.xenei.junit.contract.ContractSuite$BaseClassRunner@248e319b INFO [main] (ContractSuite.java:343) - Running: org.xenei.junit.contract.ContractTestRunner@5d0bf09b INFO [main] (ContractSuite.java:343) - Running: org.xenei.junit.contract.ContractTestRunner@793f29ff

aren't about the jena-core test suite.


and then in jena-core I see:


so 0.1.2 for contract-test-maven-plugin.


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