Fuseki 2.5.0
Jena 3.3.0

I have a graph and a query.  I expect the query to return 1 value from the

I get 2 different results.

If I run the query locally either directly on the model using
QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, model)
or via RDFConnection (local version)
connection.query( query )

I get 4 results.

If I create a dataset on the fuseki server upload the graph and run the
query via the fuseki query web interface I get the expected 1 result.

If I use the RDFConnection (remote version) to query the fuseki server I
get the expected 1 result.

Has anybody seen anything like this before?  Any ideas where to start
looking for a solution?

I also noticed that the local version accepted a path like


 Where { <foo> <pth1>/?pthVar <bar> }


but the remote version showed this to be an error.

I will try to cut down the graph to a small subset and create a defect with
the data and query if I can't solve this by tomorrow evening.  But no time
to do it now as I need to head home.


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