I have no problem with this plan, but just to check:

Andy, I believe you are thinking that the "obvious ones" are the ones that required no code changes and elicited no comments from you? Because if you want to include them, I can make a new PR quickly with just them (assuming I can fix whatever weird formatting thinking blew up that first PR).


Andy Seaborne wrote on 10/23/17 2:39 PM:
All being well (usual caveats about "things" happening), I'll do the release in 
the next few days.

I hope to include:

    JENA-1403: Tidy up regex pattern handling.

    Bad regular expression patterns should throw ExprEvalException

    Spell checking some Javadocs

The version bump PR#289 has some obvious ones to do and some things that need 
looking at.  But the small deltas are
obscured by an accidental reformat. As none are for bug fixes, I think that can 
wait. Close tracking of dependencies is
usually more helpful that occasional jumps.

If anything else low-risk turns up, I'll try to get it in - PRs work really 
well for this and there is no need to pause
anything. I'll see direct commits to master but please only for trivial, 
zero-risk things.


On 23/10/17 03:52, Bruno P. Kinoshita wrote:
Didn't have much time to contribute lately, so decided to spend some time 
during a Monday holiday here and spell check
javadocs & site.
Javadocs updates were done in https://github.com/apache/jena/pull/290
Site updates were done in r1812967.
Didn't find anything to fix looking at the templates in Fuseki2 web app. Might 
have more time to review JIRA and see
if there is any small issue for the web site. And I have a branch somewhere in 
one of my workstations with some tests,
to increase test coverage a bit.
Thanks for preparing 3.5.0!!!

       From: Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org>
  To: "dev@jena.apache.org" <dev@jena.apache.org>
  Sent: Tuesday, 17 October 2017 11:32 AM
  Subject: Release Jena 3.5.0?
    The tick is approaching.
Are we ready to go? JIRA to be marked resolved?

If so, I'll sort out a release soon.


Here's a list of changes of note that I gathered:

==== Release changes

Introducing TDB2:

*TDB2 is not compatible with TDB1*

Compared to TDB1:
* No size limits on transactions : bulk uploads into a live Fuseki
   can e 100's of millions of triples.
* Models and Graphs can be passed across transactions
* No queue of delayed updates, no transaction backlog problems.
* "Writer pays" - readers don't
   All work for update is done on the writer thread.
* Datatypes of numerics preserved; xsd:doubles supported.

TDB2 is subject to change.

We solicit any and all feedback (good and bad!) about TDB2 to help
advance it to deployment-ready.

JENA-1390 : Add StmtIterator.toModel :

JENA-1392 : Add dynamic dataset support to SDB.

JENA-1395 : "--output RDF/XML" now prints using the basic block-oriented
writer, which uses less memory.  Use "--formatted" (same as "--pretty")
for pretty printed RDF/XML.

JENA-1398 :
Upgrade FOAF to add new spelling and deprecation of old for archaic FOAF

== Dependency changes:

No license changes.

Upgrade jsonld-java to 0.11
   jackson to 2.9.0
   commons-fileuploader to 1.3.2->1.3.3
   commons-io 2.5 in jena-base
     (was pulled in anyway by jsonld-java)

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