This week is pretty nuts and next week does not look much better so unlikely to 
have any bandwidth in the immediate future


On 25/11/2017, 23:02, "Andy Seaborne" <> wrote:

    The bug in Fuseki that causes UI uploads to fail, and some other UI 
    issues, is a bit annoying.
    Is there the energy and time to vote on a 3.6.0 release if I build one?
    Please respond if you'll be able to vote in the next few weeks.
    If there is - from our experience last time, we can test the latest 
    development builds now, before a formal VOTE which will shorten the time 
    in case there is any problems to address.
    The build is complaining about a Shiro issue - this is harmless and a 
    problem somewhere in the Fuseki tests. Some state is getting initialized 
    twice.  It does not happen when Fuseki is run nor does it cause any 
    tests to fail.  It happens because of the 1.2.4->1.4.0 Shiro upgrade ; 
    it comes in at 1.2.6 -> 1.3.0. Solution: ship with 1.2.6
    [...] IniRealm   WARN  Users or Roles are already populated.  Configured 
    Ini instance will be ignored.

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