I feel bad this isn't documented properly so here is a first draft to rectify that.

We can put it on the confluence wiki or have a folder in git for such docs. If the preference is git, maybe migrate the release process there as well (sometime, somehow)?

Anyone got other tips to add?


# Setup in .git/config (in your clone of the Apache repo)
        name = ...
        email = <your apache email>

[remote "github"]
        url = https://github.com/apache/jena.git
        fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/github/*

# Pull from GH, push to ASF

In a terminal (it's going to fire off vi)

    cd YourApacheJenaClone

Pull from the GH mirror into the local clone of the ASF primary repo.

    git pull github pull/NNN/head --no-ff

"github" -- taken from .git/config.. You can use the full URL.
"--no-ff" -- No fast forward.
             This will stop git skipping asking for a commit comment.

When the comment edit comes up:

Put "JENA-9999: " on the front of the first line (the merge commit comment)

Add this line in the comment body:

    This closes #NNN.

which will close the PR when the repo sync up.

# Check:

    mvn clean install -Pdev

or whatever is appropriate.

# Push to Apache.
git push

# Finish up.

Wait a few moments for them to sync.  It is pretty quick.

You can now:

1/ Resolve the JIRA

2/ close the branch - go to the PR, which is now under "closed", and click "delete branch". This delete the PR branch from your GH cloned repo.

3/ "git pull -p" to pull from your GH clone and prune tracked branches.

4/ "git branch -d <thelocalbranch>

On 07/02/18 09:52, Rob Vesse wrote:
This is normal because GitHub is a mirror of the Apache repository. If you 
check the email archive for the original notification of the pull request it 
includes instructions on the necessary steps to merge


On 07/02/2018, 07:39, "Claude Warren" <cla...@xenei.com> wrote:

I was looking at the git hub repository online and did not see a way to
     merge the pull request from the web.  Is this normal (i.e. we always merge
     on local machine and push) or do I just not have permissions, or am I
     looking at the wrong place?
     I like: Like Like - The likeliest place on the web
     LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/claudewarren

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