I've got a PR in now for 1499 (TIM remembers graph names even after they are 


Whether or not that's the whole story here, that's a different question!


> On Mar 7, 2018, at 12:23 PM, Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org> wrote:
> On 07/03/18 16:51, Dave Reynolds wrote:
>> On 07/03/18 16:29, Andy Seaborne wrote:
>>> JENA-1499 may have knock on effects.
>>> Adding a quad and deleting a quad and still listing the graph name would be 
>>> OK but "contains graph" returns false in TIM and true in general. That 
>>> might make a difference - I haven't traced that part of the code.
>> Understood.
>>> As for the :3030, ":" is one of the nasty characters in URIs but the Fuseki 
>>> log looks like it is %-ed correctly.
>>> https://gist.github.com/afs/c5623911293dd19da7f6cc1b2cf64c17
>>> is an updated script to use curl and not Jena tools.
>>> There is variable to set the graph name.
>>> Does this script illustrate the effect?
>> Yes with one correction. Line 18 should be:
>> G5X="$(wwwenc $G5)"
>> rather than:
>> G5X="$(wwwenc $G)"
> My bad - gist corrected.
>> With that correction that this illustrates the effect for me.
> I always get:
> -------------------------------------------
> | s   | p          | o              | G   |
> ===========================================
> | :r4 | rdf:type   | :Resource      | :r4 |
> | :r4 | rdfs:label | "r 4 modified" | :r4 |
> -------------------------------------------
> 3.4.0, 3.6.0 (I do delete run/ each start-up or use the 3.6.0 basic server to 
> ensure no funny stuff).
> This is bizarre. No blank nodes either.
> openjdk version "1.8.0_151"
>    Andy
>> Dave
>>>      Andy
>>> On 07/03/18 14:14, Dave Reynolds wrote:
>>>> On 07/03/18 12:59, Andy Seaborne wrote:
>>>>> On 06/03/18 22:43, Dave Reynolds wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Andy,
>>>>>> Thanks for confirming you seeing something similar, glad I wasn't 
>>>>>> hallucinating!
>>>>> Not sure any more that I am :-|
>>>>> There are ghost graphs in a TIM dataset after deletion, JENA-1499, but 
>>>>> I'm not seeing an empty store and do see the added triples.
>>>> OK so this just got weirder. I just tried the script from your gist and 
>>>> that works for me. Whereas my own was still failing. The only difference 
>>>> is that in your initial s-put you have a slightly different graph name 
>>>> (includes the port).
>>>> So for me on 3.4.0 and 3.6.0 if I run a trimmed version of your test [1], 
>>>> with the same update.ttl [2] and U1.ru [3] scripts. I see correct results:
>>>> == Step 1a
>>>> ----
>>>> == Step 1b
>>>> <http://localhost:3030/graph5> {
>>>>      <http://localhost/test/r4>
>>>>              a       <http://localhost/test/Resource> ;
>>>>              <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label>
>>>>                      "r 4" .
>>>> }
>>>> ----
>>>> == Step 2a
>>>> ----
>>>> <http://localhost/test/r4> {
>>>>      <http://localhost/test/r4>
>>>>              a       <http://localhost/test/Resource> ;
>>>>              <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label>
>>>>                      "r 4 modified" .
>>>> }
>>>> <http://localhost:3030/graph5> {
>>>> }
>>>> ----
>>>> == Step 3a
>>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> | s                          | p         | o                               
>>>>  | G                          |
>>>> ==================================================================================================================================================
>>>> | <http://localhost/test/r4> | 
>>>> <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> | 
>>>> <http://localhost/test/Resource> | <http://localhost/test/r4> |
>>>> | <http://localhost/test/r4> | 
>>>> <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label>      | "r 4 modified"         
>>>>      | <http://localhost/test/r4> |
>>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> ----
>>>> If I run the same script but without the ":3030" in the graph name [4] I 
>>>> see incorrect results from the SPARQL query but correct TRIG:
>>>> == Step 1a
>>>> ----
>>>> == Step 1b
>>>> <http://localhost/graph5> {
>>>>      <http://localhost/test/r4>
>>>>              a       <http://localhost/test/Resource> ;
>>>>              <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label>
>>>>                      "r 4" .
>>>> }
>>>> ----
>>>> == Step 2a
>>>> ----
>>>> <http://localhost/graph5> {
>>>> }
>>>> <http://localhost/test/r4> {
>>>>      <http://localhost/test/r4>
>>>>              a       <http://localhost/test/Resource> ;
>>>>              <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label>
>>>>                      "r 4 modified" .
>>>> }
>>>> ----
>>>> == Step 3a
>>>> -----------------
>>>> | s | p | o | G |
>>>> =================
>>>> -----------------
>>>> ----
>>>> The only significant difference I can see is that the change in graph 
>>>> names means the graphs list in a different order in the TRIG, which 
>>>> suggests they hash in a different order in the store. Why that should 
>>>> matter though ... ?
>>>> This at least explains why it was so hard to isolate the problem and that 
>>>> it seemed non-deterministic. Any attempt to simplify the names made the 
>>>> problem go away.
>>>> Dave
>>>> [1] https://gist.github.com/der/d47602ffbd294b2ed572cbccb02c7778
>>>> [2] https://gist.github.com/der/26a2147d19ad495a925374e56428f7e3
>>>> [3] https://gist.github.com/der/704363855a7cca35b3f123dff136c56d
>>>> [4] https://gist.github.com/der/7e1e711c6341df417e9ff18416bd1a5c
>>>>>      Andy
>>>>>> I've tried with '' instead of "" in the shell script version of the test 
>>>>>> with identical results.
>>>>>> Confirmed that using --memTDB the test passes for me.
>>>>>> Dave
>>>>>> On 06/03/18 17:29, Andy Seaborne wrote:
>>>>>>> Weird.
>>>>>>> I ran this script with Fuseki v3.6.0 "--mem" and also "--memTDB" for 
>>>>>>> steps up to and including 6.
>>>>>>> https://gist.github.com/afs/cd6953b06985dde37a9581134ec13165
>>>>>>> There something going on with TIM because I'm seeing empty graph5 with 
>>>>>>> TIM but not with TDB.
>>>>>>> I may have seen no results once and then I changed:
>>>>>>>  > 6. Check the contents of the store:
>>>>>>>  >
>>>>>>>  >      rsparql --service http://localhost:3030/ds/query "SELECT * WHERE
>>>>>>>  > {Graph ?G {?s ?p ?o}} ORDER BY ?G"
>>>>>>> There are "" quotes around a "*"  and it's a script.  Could you try 
>>>>>>> ''-quotes please?
>>>>>>> I'll try step 7.
>>>>>>>      Andy
>>>>>>> On 05/03/18 23:56, Dave Reynolds wrote:
>>>>>>>> I've been trying to debug some weird behaviour in my test cases and 
>>>>>>>> think they are due to a bug in memory-backed fuseki stores.
>>>>>>>> However, the behaviour is so odd and hard to reproduce I'd like some 
>>>>>>>> confirmation that someone else sees the same effect before opening a 
>>>>>>>> JIRA.
>>>>>>>> # Steps to reproduce
>>>>>>>> [Sorry this is convoluted but all my attempts to simplify fail to show 
>>>>>>>> the suspected bug.]
>>>>>>>> 1. Fresh download of fuseki 3.6.0.
>>>>>>>> 2. Start an in memory server in one shell:
>>>>>>>>      fuseki-server --mem --update /ds
>>>>>>>> 3. Create test data with two statements about one resource:
>>>>>>>>      echo 'prefix rdfs:  <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
>>>>>>>> prefix eg:    <http://localhost/test/>
>>>>>>>> eg:r4 a eg:Resource; rdfs:label "r 4" .' > update.ttl
>>>>>>>> 4. Use the graph REST API to put the data into a named graph:
>>>>>>>>      s-put http://localhost:3030/ds/data http://localhost/graph5 
>>>>>>>> update.ttl
>>>>>>>> 5. Run a sparql update which will delete the original statements from 
>>>>>>>> the graph and add some replacement statements to a new graph:
>>>>>>>>      rupdate --service=http://localhost:3030/ds/update '
>>>>>>>>      DELETE {GRAPH ?G {<http://localhost/test/r4> ?p ?o}} WHERE {GRAPH 
>>>>>>>> ?G {<http://localhost/test/r4> ?p ?o}};
>>>>>>>>      INSERT DATA { GRAPH <http://localhost/test/r4> {
>>>>>>>>          <http://localhost/test/r4> 
>>>>>>>> <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label> "r 4 modified" .
>>>>>>>>          <http://localhost/test/r4> 
>>>>>>>> <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> 
>>>>>>>> <http://localhost/test/Resource> .
>>>>>>>>      } }'
>>>>>>>> 6. Check the contents of the store:
>>>>>>>>      rsparql --service http://localhost:3030/ds/query "SELECT * WHERE 
>>>>>>>> {Graph ?G {?s ?p ?o}} ORDER BY ?G"
>>>>>>>> At this point the store *should* contain two statements in graph 
>>>>>>>> http://localhost/test/r4. With a TDB-backed fuseki that's what I see. 
>>>>>>>> With the memory backed fuseki I see an apparently empty store.
>>>>>>>> If other named graphs are populated with other unrelated data they 
>>>>>>>> will seem to have disappeared as well.
>>>>>>>> 7. Now reinsert the original data, running step 4 again and check by 
>>>>>>>> running step 6 again. At this point both the "missing" statements from 
>>>>>>>> graph http://localhost/test/r4 reappear, as does the reinserted 
>>>>>>>> original statements in http://localhost/graph5.
>>>>>>>> # Simplifying the test case
>>>>>>>> So far ...
>>>>>>>>    - I've failed to reproduce this outside of fuseki.
>>>>>>>>    - I've failed to reproduce this without mixing graph operations and 
>>>>>>>> update operations.
>>>>>>>>    - If I reduce the inserted/updated data to a single statement 
>>>>>>>> instead of a pair of statements it passes.
>>>>>>>>    - If I try with at empty TDB store it passes.
>>>>>>>>    - I get the same behaviour from 3.4.0 as from 3.6.0.
>>>>>>>> Any of these failures may be user error on my part, it has been so 
>>>>>>>> hard turning an apparently non-deterministic error into something 
>>>>>>>> reproducible that I'm no longer sure of anything :(
>>>>>>>> Am I going mad or does anyone else see the same behaviour?
>>>>>>>> Dave

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