Bruno raises an interesting question-- would this contribution have any effect 
(or should it) on jena-spatial? Would it be either necessary or if not, 
appropriate to integrate there? (I'm particularly interested in this because it 
might help decide between core and an extension.)


> On Mar 26, 2018, at 5:40 PM, Bruno P. Kinoshita <> wrote:
> Hi Maxime,
> Don't know whether it would be best as part of jena core or in an extension, 
> but sounds very interesting! Will let others comment on this.
> At work, one item in my backlog is to replace jscience by jsr363 - Units of 
> Measurement  
> |  
> |   
> |   
> |   |    |
>   |
>  |
> |  
> |   |  
> Units of Measurement
> Units of Measurement provides a set of APIs and services for handling units 
> and quantities.
>  |   |
>  |
>  |
> We use it for weather forecast and GIS, with things like wind speed, rain 
> amount, etc.
> I think another GIS library that we use did the switch as well (some OGC lib 
> I think).
> Perhaps it would be nice to consider taking a look at their api for 
> compatibility with other systems.
> CheersBruno
> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
>  On Tue, 27 Mar 2018 at 2:07, Maxime Lefrançois<> 
> wrote:   Dear all,
> I am Associate Professor at MINES Saint-Étienne, France, working on
> Semantic Web and Linked Data. I'd like to let you know about our
> project *Custom
> Datatypes for Quantity Values*[1], that leverages the Unified Code of Units
> of Measures, a code system intended to include all units of measures being
> contemporarily used in international science, engineering, and business.
> Using our UCUM Datatypes, one can encode and query quantity values in a
> lightweight manner:
> PREFIX cdt: <>
> PREFIX ex: <>
> SELECT ?value1 ?value2 ?result
>   VALUES ( ?value1 ?value2 ) {
>     ( "1.0 m/s"^^cdt:speed "2 s"^^cdt:time )
>   }
>   BIND( ?value1 * ?value2 AS ?result )
> }
> Results in
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> | value1              | value2              | result              |
> ======================================================================
> | "1.0 m/s"^^cdt:speed | "2 s"^^cdt:time      | "2.0 m"^^cdt:length  |
> See our demonstration online [2].
> It uses *a fork of Jena where we implemented UCUM datatypes* [3] (in
> jena-core and jena-arq, with several unit tests) our implementation uses
> the recent JSR 385, Units of Measurement API 2.0, and the UCUM extension
> [4].
> This is not the first project I develop into/using Jena.
> - I forked it to Supporting Arbitrary Custom Datatypes in RDF and SPARQL
> fetching some Javascript definition at the URI of the datatype [5]
> - I develop SPARQL-Generate, an extension of SPARQL implemented on ARQ to
> generate RDF from web documents in XML, JSON, CSV, HTML, CBOR, and plain
> text with regular expressions  [6]
> If you agree we me that supporting UCUM datatypes would be a nice addition
> to Apache Jena and a nice contribution to the Semantic Web community, I
> would be willing to help to integrate our contribution to other modules
> (with jena-tdb, ... ), and help maintaining it in the future.
> Best regards,
> Maxime Lefrançois,
> Associate Professor, MINES Saint-Étienne
> [1] -
> [2] -
> [3] -
> [4] -
> [5] -
> [6] -  

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