I would offer to attempt the3.8.0 release but I'm sporadically available owing 
to other demands on my time and energies. I'm mostly working on non-critical 
path issues and I wouldn't want to be a blocker togetting 3.8.0 out.

I've looked over the release documentation and it looks very thorough and clear 
and I would like to take it on for a future release once my current demands 
have abated.

ʇǝɹɹǝℲ ǝpoↃ

> On Jun 22, 2018, at 12:36, ajs6f <aj...@apache.org> wrote:
> Andy, I can do it as well, but what would be really great would be for 
> someone who hasn't done it to enjoy the opportunity!
> It's very straightforward (we have extensive notes [1]) and a great way to 
> learn about some of Jena's machinery beyond the codebase itself.
> ajs6f
> [1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/JENA/Release+Process
>> On Jun 22, 2018, at 11:29 AM, Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Looks like we're ready.
>> I'll do the release hopefully early next week unless anyone else volunteers.
>>   Andy
>>> On 10/06/18 19:32, Andy Seaborne wrote:
>>> Status:
>>> Looks like these PRs are complete and waiting to go in,pending reviews.
>>> PR#430: JENA-1556 text:query multilingual enhancements
>>> PR#431: JENA-1559: Alt PrefixMapping implementation TDB1 and TDB2.
>>> PR#432: JENA-1560: PrefixMappingUtils
>>> PR#433: JENA-1561: Enable TDB2 in Fuseki UI and on the command line.
>>> "It would be nice":
>>> JENA-1562 (TDB2 Graph.size slowness) -- a silly mistake more than anything 
>>> else.  WIP. I should be able to do that one soon.
>>> JENA-1563 (Neptune/JSON results)
>>> Looks to be a localized change.
>>> Anything else?
>>>    Andy
>>>> On 06/06/18 12:37, Bruno P. Kinoshita wrote:
>>>> +1
>>>> I'm adding a post-it to make sure I will help reviewing the release, and 
>>>> also going through the documentation to see if there's anything that needs 
>>>> updating (I remember at least one page I think I used 3.7.1 instead of 3.8 
>>>> as the @since for a feature).
>>> Thanks for getting that done.
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Bruno
>>>> ________________________________
>>>> From: Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org>
>>>> To: "dev@jena.apache.org" <dev@jena.apache.org>
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, 6 June 2018 11:32 PM
>>>> Subject: Towards Jena 3.8.0
>>>> Let's look at a Jena 3.8.0 release - there are some significant new
>>>> items in this release.
>>>> JIRA report:
>>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=12311220&version=12343042
>>>> --- Headlines:
>>>> ** JENA-632:  JSON templated SPARQL queries.
>>>> http://jena.staging.apache.org/documentation/query/generate-json-from-sparql.html
>>>> JENA-1542: Integrate Lucene index in transaction lifecycle (TDB1, TDB2).
>>>> JENA-1550: Parallel bulk loader for TDB2
>>>> http://jena.staging.apache.org/documentation/tdb2/tdb2_cmds.html
>>>> --- Dependency changes
>>>> Removed:
>>>> org.apache.xerces is no longer a dependency.
>>>>    Remove xercesImpl-2.11.0.jar
>>>>    Remove xml-apis-1.4.01.jar
>>>> Added:
>>>> Add Apache Commons Compress : commons-compress 1.17
>>>> https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/40ebcb548cd2cb6d404d150cc1c919605689cf242ae17fe9e47191b1@%3Cdev.jena.apache.org%3E
>>>> Updated:
>>>>   jsonldjava 0.11.1 ==> 0.12.0
>>>>   jackson 2.9.0 ==> 2.9.5 (addresses CVE-2018-5968)
>>>>   httpclient 4.5.3 ==> 4.5.5
>>>>   httpcore  4.4.6 ==> 4.4.9
>>>>   Shared guava update 21.0 ==> 21.1-jre
>>>> Tests:
>>>>   com.jayway.awaitility::1.7.0 ==> org.awaitility.awaitility::3.1.0
>>>>   org.objenesis:objenesis:jar: 2.1 ==> 2.6
>>>> Build:
>>>>   maven-surefire-plugin: 2.20.1 ==> 2.21.0
>>>> ---- System changes:
>>>> JENA-1537: Remove xerces
>>>> JENA-1525 / Christopher Johnson
>>>> Java Automatic Module Names
>>>> JENA-1524 / Christopher Johnson
>>>> Split package
>>>> Note to repacking and deep system integrations:
>>>> Package "org.apache.jena.system" was split across jars.
>>>> There are now two packages:
>>>> "org.apache.jena.sys"
>>>> "org.apache.jena.system"
>>>> and "sys" contains the system service loader code.
>>>> JenaSystem.init() has migrated, with deprecated proxy, from
>>>> "org.apache.jena.system" to "org.apache.jena.sys"
>>>> ** NB ServiceLoader file change **
>>>> The ServiceLoader interface for system initialization is now:
>>>> org.apache.jena.sys.JenaSubsystemLifecycle
>>>> --- Other Changes
>>>> JENA-1544: Consistent FROM/FROM NAMED naming handling
>>>> JENA-1519: OpExt / Jeremy Coulon
>>>> JENA-1488: SelectiveFoldingFilter for jena-text

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