
Previously I made contact about an implementation of the GeoSPARQL standard for Jena.

There was a suggestion to make this a standalone project and look into switching across to Apache SIS to ease licencing. These have both been done.

The project is now published on GitHub at https://github.com/galbiston/geosparql-jena and has been released to Maven Central today.

There is also a project which uses Fuseki's embedded server with the GeoSPARQL features at https://github.com/galbiston/geosparql-fuseki.

I've tried to use the Shadow Plugin for Gradle to produce a user-jar based on https://jena.apache.org/documentation/notes/jena-repack.html but haven't been successful. If anyone can provide any advice or guidance on this then I'd appreciate it.

Also, being able to utilise the Fuseki GUI with the embedded server, since the application is providing data loading and function setup features, would also be useful to get guidance about.

If you have any feedback then please let me know.



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