
(Quite a few of the contributions look like they are not alive any more - should we have a cull?)


On 25/10/2018 12:33, Greg Albiston wrote:
Clone URL (Committers only):;action=diff;uri=

Greg Albiston

Index: trunk/content/about_jena/contributions.mdtext
--- trunk/content/about_jena/contributions.mdtext       (revision 1844793)
+++ trunk/content/about_jena/contributions.mdtext       (working copy)
@@ -31,4 +31,6 @@
  Persistence Annotations 4 RDF | Persistence Annotation for RDF (PAR) is a set 
of annotations and an entity manager that provides JPA like functionality on 
top of an RDF store while accounting for and exploiting the fundamental 
differences between graph storage and relational storage. PAR introduces three 
(3) annotations that map a RDF triple (subject, predicate, object) to a Plain 
Old Java Object (POJO) using Java's dynamic proxy capabilities. | Apache 2.0 | 
Claude Warren |  [PA4RDF at 
  JenaSecurity | Security (Permissions) wrapper around Jena RDF implementation. 
| Apache 2.0 | Claude Warren | [JenaSecurity at 
  Semantic_Forms | Swiss army knife for data management and social networking. 
| open source | Jean-Marc Vanel | 
-JDBC 4 SPARQL | JDBC 4 SPARQL is a type 4 JDBC Driver that uses a SPARQL 
endpoint (or Jena Model) as the data store.  Presents graph data as relational 
data to tools that understand SQL and utilize JDBC| Apache 2.0 (Some components 
GNU LGPL V3.0) | Claude Warren | [jdbc4sparql at 
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+JDBC 4 SPARQL | JDBC 4 SPARQL is a type 4 JDBC Driver that uses a SPARQL 
endpoint (or Jena Model) as the data store.  Presents graph data as relational 
data to tools that understand SQL and utilize JDBC| Apache 2.0 (Some components 
GNU LGPL V3.0) | Claude Warren | [jdbc4sparql at 
+GeoSPARQL Jena | Implementation of GeoSPARQL 1.0 standard using Apache Jena 
for SPARQL query or API. | Apache 2.0 | Greg Albiston and Haozhe Chen | 
[geosparql-jena at GitHub](
+GeoSPARQL Fuseki | HTTP server application compliant with the GeoSPARQL 
standard using GeoSPARQL Jena library and Apache Jena Fuseki server | Apache 
2.0 | Greg Albiston | [geosparql-fuseki at 
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