Chris wrote (on users@):

>>> Out of curiosity when is it necessary to use the
>>>      [] ja:loadClass "org.apache.jena.tdb.TDB” .
>>> and
>>>     [] ja:loadClass       "org.apache.jena.query.text.TextQuery” .

It's not necessary any more.

The ServiceLoader Jena initialization does this.

(PS checking - maybe jena-permissions needs its loadClass - I don't see a service file)

Fuseki doc says:
      # Load custom code (rarely needed)
      # ja:loadClass "your.code.Class" ;

Only local customizations would need "loadClass".

Any mentions in any of the Jena documentation can be removed.

I've just gone though the website markup and removed all mentions in assemblers.

The other initialization step should also be unnecessary:

 tdb:DatasetTDB  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .
 tdb:GraphTDB    rdfs:subClassOf  ja:Model .

is now done in init java code (VocabTDB):

                                  new DatasetAssemblerTDB());
                                  new TDBGraphAssembler());

(SDB needs it still)


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