On 27/05/2019 16:12, Marco Neumann wrote:
can you let us know what that entails on your end? is it primarily a matter
of managing branches on github?

Bandwidth! Better to do Europe-morning than later in the day.

We release from the master branch and, with the Jenkins jobs, should always be green.

The process is described here:

Using the maven release plugin, with customization by the Apache parent POM means the code part of release is running

mvn release:prepare
mvn release:perform

prepare dist area (scripted)

then local check
then VOTE email.

During or after the VOTE,
prepare javadoc
update download page.

After VOTE:
Push maven artifacts out
Move dist area to /dist/jena
Update website

and update JIRA.

Some of the steps take a while, so going off to do some reading etc overlaps.


On Mon, May 27, 2019 at 3:42 PM Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org> wrote:

OK then - I'll start on 3.12.0.

On 20/05/2019 21:46, ajs6f wrote:
I'm fairly open this next week and the first week of June.


On May 19, 2019, at 8:55 AM, Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org> wrote:

Greg's GeoSPARQL implementation is ready.  It's on a branch in git and
ready to merge - legal NOTICES are done as is disabling tests under
(boo, hiss) because of the test failures due to tiny double
precision/string representation changes Java8 -> Java11.

So we can do Jena 3.12.0 with GeoSPARQL as discussed on the "Towards
3.11.0" thread.

This message is to ask about timing - when might people have a chance to
vote on a release? what timing works for you? I can RM this month.


PS I have a couple of things "in progress" : TDB2 migrated to the
jena-dboe-storage framework and redoing Fuseki request dispatch but I'm
holding back - this release is about GeoSPARQL.

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