How big is it one file?  A module, even under jena-extras seems a tad heavy.

Stepping back from the specifics, thinking this might be one of several:

Is this more of an example of how to to do something? That could be done by publishing the source, still with the Apache legal framework.

We have jena-examples, package org/apache/jena/example/ and that gets into the release source.

Maybe that's a way without too much ceremony.

Or more a "documentation" via the web-site
Or the cwiki?


On 09/07/2019 10:43, Claude Warren wrote:
So, the question is should I go ahead and create a library of StreamRDF
implementations in the extras section?  I could see one to do serialization
over Kafka (or other queue implementations)?

On Mon, Jul 8, 2019 at 5:56 PM Claude Warren <> wrote:

The case I was trying to solve was reading a largish XML document and
converting it to an RDF graph.  After a few iterations I ended up writing a
custom Sax parser that calls the RDFStream triple/quad methods.  But I
wanted a way to update a Fuseki server so RDFConnection seemed like the
natural choice.

In some recent work for my employer I found that I like the RDFConneciton
as the same code can work against a local dataset or a remote one.


On Mon, Jul 8, 2019 at 4:34 PM ajs6f <> wrote:

This "replay" buffer approach was the direction I first went in for TIM,
until turning to MVCC (speaking of MVCC, that code is probably somewhere,
since we don't squash when we merge). Looking back, one thing that helped
me move on was the potential effect of very large transactions. But in a
controlled situation like Claude's, that problem wouldn't arise.


On Jul 8, 2019, at 11:07 AM, Andy Seaborne <> wrote:


Good timing!

This is what RDF Delta does and for updates rather than just StreamRDF
additions though its not to an RDFConnection - it's to a patch service.

With hindsight, I wonder if that woudl have been better as
BufferingDatasetGraph - a DSG that keeps changes and makes the view of the
buffer and underlying DatasetGraph behave correctly (find* works and has
the right cardinality of results). Its a bit fiddley to get it all right
but once it works it is a building block that has a lot of re-usability.

I came across this with the SHACL work for a BufferingGraph (with
prefixes) give "abort" of transactions to simple graphs which aren't

But it occurs in Fuseki with complex dataset set ups like rules.


On 08/07/2019 11:09, Claude Warren wrote:
I have written an RDFStream to RDFConnection with caching.  Basically,
stream caches triples/quads until a limit is reached and then it writes
them to the RDFConnection.  At finish it writes any triples/quads in
cache to the RDFConnection.
Internally I cache the stream in a dataset.  I write triples to the
dataset and quads as appropriate.
I have a couple of questions:
1) In this arrangement what does the "base" tell me? I currently
ignore it
and want to make sure I havn't missed something.

The parser saw a BASE statement.

Like PREFIX, in Turtle, it can happen mid-file (e.g. when files are

Its not necessary because the data stream should have resolved IRIs in
it so base is used in a stream.

2) I capture all the prefix calls in a PrefixMapping that is accessible
from the RDFConnectionStream class.  They are not passed into the
in any way.  I didn't see any method to do so and don't really think
it is
needed.  Does anyone see a problem with this?
3) Does anyone have a use for this class?  If so I am happy to
it, though the next question becomes what module to put it in?
Perhaps we
should have an extras package for RDFStream implementations?

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