I will have time to review any release candidates between now and Jan 20.


On Tue, 7 Jan 2020 at 08:37, Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org> wrote:

> It's coming up to time to look at Jena 3.14.0. v3.13.1 was 2019-10-11.
> I have time between now and January 19th to do a release or to work with
> anyone who is interested in performing a release. January 20th and after
> is likely to be busy due to new employment.
>      Andy
> == Contributions and notable JIRA
> Pavel Mikhailovskii:
> JENA-1787: SHACL improvement
> JENA-1786: DatasetGraphMonitor exposes unwrapped graphs
> JENA-1785: TDB2 bug fix
> JENA-1784: CacheSimple doesn't check keys for equality
> Ken Treimann:
> JENA-1781: Thrift upgrade to 0.13.0 for a CVE.
> Georg Schmidt-Dumont:
> JENA-1796: Add missing DV for XSD DateTimeStamp data type
> Adrian Wilke:
> JENA-1792: DCat vocabulary update to DCat2
> JENA-1779: Update to Jackson 2.10.1
> 2.10 has a design change to remove the 2.9.x attack point.
> Hopefully, moving to 2.10 will mean the end of recurring CVE's for Jackson.
> == JIRA
> https://s.apache.org/jena-3.14.0-jira
> 36 currently.

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