On 16/02/2020 18:38, Roy Lenferink wrote:
Hi Andy,

Thanks for your answer!

I can confirm it is easier to use Hugo on Windows compared to Jekyll (I am 
generating and testing
using the Ubuntu shell on Windows). Just downloading the tarball containing the 
Hugo binary and
you're good to go. With Jekyll the process is a bit more complex as it requires 
some specific Ruby

(see my inline comments below as well)

On 2020/02/16 17:06:59, Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org> wrote:
Hi Roy - looks good! Thanks for pushing this along.#

We had discussed this using Jekyll (because GH uses Jekyll) but I read
that installation on Windows is easier for Hugo (the speed issue does not
look like such an advantage for us) - and that that is helpful to get more
contributions. CMS and "improve this page" editing has had a reasonable
amount of use over the years but we do need to migrate away from CMS.

And this is something that will be kept in place, however instead of a redirect 
to the Apache CMS
it will open the GitHub editor with the file for the page the person is viewing 
at that moment.

Was conversion quite smooth? Any discoveries?
What's the markdown like? I don't know of anything special except of course

Most of it was just putting the pieces together. The CMS skeleton.html could 
--with a few minor
changes-- be re-used as Hugo template. The pages of the website were already 
written in
markdown and only the header of the file needed to be changed (old: [1], new 
[2]), the content of the
pages could just be re-used. Basically whatever syntax markdown supports is 
supported by Hugo [3].

Managing javadoc separately would be nice. Putting a lot of javadoc into
svn is a bit clunky.

Well, in the end the data still needs to be stored somewhere. However, in this 
case I'd suggest to put
it in a separate branch because in that way it is still possible for others to 
clone the site without the
huge javadoc collection.

Sorry, I haven't had time to investigate all the machinery but if the javadoc is a different branch or repo, how does publish happen? And not happen for changes during the development cycle?

I know infra is working on a CMS replacement and/or guidelines. Is this it? Is it compatible? I thought they were going to have a buildbot2.

An alternative could be a complete separate repository, e.g. jena-release-docs, 
which contains all the
javadoc documentation, but this is just a matter of preference.


Good to hear the community is interested in this :)

TBC: I am interested - I can't speak for the community.


[3] https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet

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