Beginning to think about Jena 3.17.0, here are there are some project discussion points and a couple of development issues.

== Surveys

We could conduct some simple surveys on users@. I doubt we'd get a lot of feedback but some is better than none. 2 possibilities:

** Inference and scale: what inference do people actually use / want to use at scale? RDFS? SHACL rules? SKOS broader/narrower?

This is triggered by a segment of the BOF session at AapcheCon2020 - as scale of data goes up, expressivity has to go down for performance tradeoffs if apps want query times that are compatible with UI.

I having been wondering about a custom (java) RDFS engine for TDB that does subclass/subproperty/range/domain but not the axioms.

This would be as well as the more expressive and complete Jena/rules.

** Java8 - Java11 evolution

Try to understand the reasons why anyone is running on a Java8 runtime yet still upgrades Jena.

== Rename the default branch to "main"

Changing the name of the default branch for 'jena' and 'jena-site'.

It causes us a small amount of work; it'll probably take some work from INFRA and forked repos will be affected. It can be done in stages - create the "main" off of the default so both exist for a sort while as we communicate the change.

I've converted some of my other repos using instructions on the web and have had no issues.


There are some JSON-LD tickets. I don't have much to do with JSON-LD now and for the foreseeable future. Getting into the details of JSON-LD processing is unlikely for a while.

I don't know if the issues are jena or upstream in jsonld-java.

I've added a category for JSON-LD to make them more easily findable in JIRA.

==== jena-osgi


On Java15 and 16, the build fails because Felix fails (actually downstream of Felix in BND)

There is a fix in the downstream which will arrive sometime with Felix upgrade.

It is the build, not Jena that is causing the error.

The jobs are now set to -Pdev so we at least are running that part of Jena through these java versions.

These "canary" jobs, and running once day. (We might as well use @weekly - these jobs are "as well as" running for the LTS java.)

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