I'm not clear which problem we are discussing:

1/ Ensuring inside jena-permissions that iterators are properly closed.

2/ Ensuring use code using jena-permissions (i.e SecuredGraph/SecuredModel by name) closes iterators properly.

3/ Ensuring app code that uses the Graph or Model interface (and so may be Secured* but it does not know) closes iterators properly.

If (3) isn't any change going to impact existing use code?

What's more, it does not seem to work

On 10/03/2021 21:56, Claude Warren wrote:
I think that if the solution was any simpler it would have bit me.

Change ClosableIterator<T> to extend AutoCloseable as well as Iterator.
mark ClosableIterator.close() with an @Override annotation and done.

While Autoclosable throws an exception the ClosableIterator does not so the
try with resources works.

I tried this and then changed
FinderUtils.contains() to be coded as

         public boolean contains(TriplePattern pattern) {
             try (ClosableIterator<Triple> it = find(pattern))
             return it.hasNext();

and the IDE (Eclipse) does not complain.  So I think it will just work.

because writing

public boolean contains(TriplePattern pattern) {
      ExtendedIterator<Triple> it = find(pattern);
      try {
         return it.hasNext();
      } finally { it.close(); }

is accident-prone?

I changed ClosableIterator as you describe and got hundreds of warnings from the codebase, and it will happen to user code.

A warning happens on code that is currently correctly written old style as

    ExtendedIterator<> iter =
    try {
    } finally { iter.close(); }

Eclipse "quick-fix" does not do a good job on this.

The other "old style" code is where the iterator runs the the end (exceptions aside).

Sometimes there isn't a warning!

Warning: as expected:
    public static void main(String...a) throws FileNotFoundException {
        InputStream in = new FileInputStream("");

No warning:  !!!!
    static ExtendedIterator<Triple> foo() { return null; }
    public static void main(String...a) {
        ExtendedIterator<Triple> iter = foo();

    static ExtendedIterator<Triple> foo() { return null; }
    public static void main(String...a) {
        ExtendedIterator<Triple> iter = foo();

That somewhat negates the utility.


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