If I use an ARQParser to parse the string "?x < 10"
I get an E_LessThan object with the expected var and and XMLSchema#integer

If I use NodeFactory.createLiteral(LiteralLabelFactory.createTypedLiteral(
10 )) I get the XMLSchema#int.

This means that the following fails
E_LessThan lt1 = new E_LessThan( new ExprVar(Var.alloc( "x" )),
NodeFactory.createLiteral(LiteralLabelFactory.createTypedLiteral( 10 ));
E_LessThan lt2 = ARQParser.parse( "?x < 10" )

ElementFilter ef1 = new ElementFilter( lt1 );
ElementFilter ef2 = new ElementFilter( lt2 );

assertTrue( ef1.equalTo( ef2 ) );

It fails because ElementFilter.equalTo executes lt1.equalsBySyntax( lt2 )
and by syntax they are different.  Even though they will return the same
results for any set of data.

Should E_LessThan and other similar functions do something more akin to the
NodeValue.compare() to determine if the functions are equal?

I'm not sure what a good solution would be here but I think this is a



Now this doesn't make a difference during evaluation as they both evaluate
as BitInteger.  However, when comparing the

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