Epic JENA-2125 to track this with tickets for each part.

>       ResultSet(resources) - RowSet (Nodes)
>       RDFConnection - RDFLink
>       QueryExecution - QueryExec


On 28/06/2021 18:00, Andy Seaborne wrote:
Jena currently uses Apache HttpClient v4 for HTTP.
This supports HTTP 1.1.

Apache HttpClient v5 supports HTTP/2 and there is a migration path from v4 to new style v5 but the path is not seamless. It is at least package renaming followed by API changes.


For most Jena users, there are no application changes needed because SPARQL operations are packed up into the Jena APIs. But if an application is doing detailed HTTP setup - most importantly,that includes authentication - there is going to be a migration impact.

Java11 now has a API java.net.http an all-new way to work with HTTP including HTTP/2. (And there are other HTTP clients - I haven't used any of those others).

Should we update to java.net.http or Apache HttpClient v5 or other?

Given the JDK has a decent HTTP client, my preference is to switch to use java.net.http unless there is a positive reason to use a specific external one.

The JDK provided one means dependencies, is always present, and gets fixes/improvements (if any) come by updating the JVM used.


And also if HTTP support in Jena is being upgraded ... the code could do with some work. Some of it is really old and is showing its age.

    SPARQL/HTTP QueryExecution and UpdateProcessor,
    Graph Store Protocol

== Improvements

+ Builder style for constructing the more complicated
   (e.g. anything HTTP!)
+ Both Model and Graph / Statement and Triple level APIs
   (Model-level being adapters of Graph level engines)

      ResultSet(resources) - RowSet (Nodes)
      RDFConnection - RDFLink
      QueryExecution - QueryExec
      (not an issue with UpdateProcessor)

+ Deprecation of QueryExecution.setTimeout and setIntialBinding
   (use a builder)
+ Switch to rewrite for initial bindings
   This will work for remote usage which currently is unsupported,
+ Explicit GSP engine - include support for quads operations.

. SERVICE rewrite to use the new classes.

- HttpOp : Direct use of java.net.http covers the complex cases so
   this class can be smaller and focused on the common cases.
   (I doubt it's used much directly)

+ Utilities: HttpRDF, AsyncHttpRDF, HttpOp
   AsyncHttpRDF should at least cover async GET so apps can
   gather data from several places in parallel.

== Migration

If we leave the old code for SPARQL execution (QueryEngineHTTP and HttpQuery) in-place, with Apache HttpClient4, apply copious deprecations then, mostly, we have less sudden change. We then remove in a couple of releases time.

Deprecate all QueryExecutionFactory.sparqlService, createServiceRequest and refer to (new) QueryExecutionHTTPBuilder

Deprecate of QueryExecution.setTimeout and setIntialBindings - they should not be where they are.

Update documentation

== Improvements



which at the moment needs a custom Jena build because of misc cleanup and things found while writing jena-http and not PR'ed to Jena.

Using a different HttpClient should not be too difficult as it internally encapsulates HttpClient usage. But a switchable HttpClient isn't so easy and also not invisible to users because of authentication setup is implementation-specific. We can't abstract authentication without significant costs in support and maintenance to the project.


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