[x] +1 Approve the release (binding)


On 20/08/2022 11:48, Andy Seaborne wrote:

Here is a vote on the release of Apache Jena 4.6.0.
This is the first release candidate.

The deadline is

     Wednesday, 24th August 2022 at 12:00 UTC

Please vote to approve this release:

         [ ] +1 Approve the release
         [ ]  0 Don't care
         [ ] -1 Don't release, because ...

==== Items in this release

-- Bulk retrieval and caching with SERVICE clauses

There is a new module "jena-serviceenhancer", a contribution from Claus Stadler, for federated query, including caching remote data and controlling execution order for SERVICE.

Documentation for website:

-- GeoSPARQL: GML handling.

GH-1299 - The GeoSPARQL has acknowledged a mistake in their documentation whereby the wrong namespace was being used for "gml:".
This also leads to problems with interoperation with GML data sources.

Unfortunately the change impacts impacts existing data and any spatial indexes would will need to be deleted and rebuilt.

-- Helper for authentication with a bearer token.

GH-1292: https://github.com/apache/jena/issues/1292
Add support for authentication with a bearer token

==== Release Vote

Everyone, not just committers, is invited to test and vote.
Please download and test the proposed release.

Staging repository:

Proposed dist/ area:


Git commit (browser URL):10fd9c4a36

Git Commit Hash:

Git Commit Tag:

This vote will be open until at least

     Wednesday, 24th August 2022 at 12:00 UTC

If you expect to check the release but the time limit does not work
for you, please email within the schedule above.




+ are the GPG signatures fine?
+ are the checksums correct?
+ is there a source archive?
+ can the source archive be built?
           (NB This requires a "mvn install" first time)
+ is there a correct LICENSE and NOTICE file in each artifact
           (both source and binary artifacts)?
+ does the NOTICE file contain all necessary attributions?
+ have any licenses of dependencies changed due to upgrades?
            if so have LICENSE and NOTICE been upgraded appropriately?
+ does the tag/commit in the SCM contain reproducible sources?

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