On 31.01.2012 00:48, sebb wrote:
On 30 January 2012 22:24, Rainer Jung<rainer.j...@kippdata.de>  wrote:
Please check the following details. Though I could not find a real problem,
I'm not totally sure, that there is no problematic observation. It is the
first JMeter release I checked a bit more thoroughly. Thanks for RM!


- MD5 OK
- signatures OK
- key in KEYS file
- AFAIK the key is not in the web of trust. It would be good
  if we found a way to sign your key.
- gz and zip for src and bin consistent
- src consistent with svn tag, except for the following points:

Only in gz/bin/testfiles: Sample_Chart.png
Only in gz/bin/testfiles: Sample_Line_Graph.png

Those are test output files; should probably be excluded in future.
Or they should get created elsewhere.


Only in svn: doap_JMeter.rdf

That's normal for many projects.
Possibly should find somewhere else to keep the doap - it's only
really useful for the projects.a.o site as it gets updated after the


Only in svn: docs

Yes, those are the site docs.


Only in svn/lib: api
Only in svn/lib: doc
Only in svn/lib: ext
Only in svn/lib: junit

They are empty directories which don't get added to archives - not
sure if all archive types support directory entries

me neither.

Only in svn: rat-excludes.txt

That's only used by buildbot.


Only in svn: STATUS

Only really relevant to SVN checkouts.


I will exclude all of the above from checking for future versions.

- extras/proxycert.sh in bin distributable not executable
- *.sh files in svn and src distribution not executable
- bin/jmeter and bin/jmeter-.server files in src distribution not executable
(but they are in svn)
- xdocs/download_jmeter.cgi file in src distribution not executable (but it
is in svn)

These items should be fixed, but are readily fixable by end users so I
don't think are blocking.


- builds fine

But: I had to set -Ddisable-check-versions=true to build from the src tgz.
Setting -Ddisable-svnCheck=true was not sufficient, it demanded for
svn.revision and setting that seemed to change the version numbers.

What command did you use to build?

ant distribution -Djmeter.version=2.6 -Djava.awt.headless=true

First added -Ddisable-svnCheck=true because I wasn't building from an svn workspace, then added -Ddisable-check-versions=true because the build was still complaining about the missing svn.revision property and setting that property didn't seem to produce the right thing either.

"ant package" is the normal developer build; "ant distribution" is
mainly intended for use by RMs.
Probably need to document this better.

Ah, OK, thanks for the info.

- build result looks consistent with distribution, except for
  - timestamps in generated javadoc
  - binary jar files
  - Yen sign in line 3348 of file printable_docs/usermanual/functions.html

That seems to be a feature of the build environment - works OK when I
generate that file on Windows.
I guess the build file may need tweaking to set the encoding.

It looks like you already fixed it (didn't test it though).

- one Javadoc warning:

src/jorphan/org/apache/jorphan/test/UnitTestManager.java:31: warning - Tag
@see: reference not found: org.apache.jorphan.test.AllTests

Needs to be fixed, but not a blocker.


- ran the tests (but only with java.awt.headless)

- I have not checked the staging repository.

Build and tests were done using Java 1.5.0_22, OS was Solaris 10 Sparc,

Thanks for the thorough checks and feedback!



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