On 05.02.2012 01:35, sebb wrote:
On 4 February 2012 23:57, Philippe Mouawad<philippe.moua...@gmail.com>  wrote:
Maybe getting this issue:

"specified baseline is not the latest baseline" errors

If you're getting an error message like the following:

svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: The specified baseline is not the latest baseline, so it may not be
checked out.

This may be because of a short lag in the synchronization between
Subversion mirrors, and can occur if multiple commits are run immediately
after each other. This error will usually only happen if you are located in
Europe, or explicitly using the European mirror.

Waiting for 10 seconds and repeating the command should succeed.

I've never had that problem, and I use the EU mirror.

I think it mainly applies to multiple commits in sequence, as are
sometimes generated by Maven.

I sometimes do experience a similar problem, e.g. when trying to do "svn up" directly after a commit (not sure about the exact error message). That one definitely has to do with the sync lag. If I wait a few seconds, then "svn up" succceeds.


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