Am 23.02.2015 um 19:36 schrieb sebb:
The Java version check in JMeter script files is somewhat fragile, and
has to be maintained.

Does it really provide enough benefit to keep it?

IMHO currently there's no real necessity to remove it, or did you find another problem with it? I suspect you ask, because there's always exotic systems and writing portable shell scripts is a hard task and one can't easily test them (because the platforms are not available).

Since our requirements are very relaxed (Java 6), there's no big use in the version check either. In most cases the condition will be fulfilled, so a clear documentation statement should suffice. I think currently the info is only on the download page and in the changelog. Maybe it could be added to the "a 100% pure Java application" sentence in the landing page and in the intro page of the users manual without bloating that pages to much.

So I'm fine with either keeping or removing the check, but I think we should place the requirement a little bit more prominent in the docs in any case.



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