Hello everyone,

Can you share your opinion about issue:

Currently, combobox is replaced by a tree and it is in the trunk.

Remaining point is an additional modification - automatically changing name
of Module Controller to selected element`s name (after selection in module
to run tree).

Do you find it useful? Do you think it is good idea? Personally, I have
positive experience with that, it increased readability of test plan (less
elements in test plan that have default name - 'Module Controller'), less
copy paste work (I usually used name of referenced element in a Module
Controller`s name).
Disadvantage of this modification is that some users may find it annoying
that name is automatically changed when they don`t want to.

Do you have any considerations how to implement it, currently there are
some options taken into account:
- automatic name change configured as global property
- checkbox that would be component property in GUI
- concatenation of two previous - checkbox that would be component property
in GUI with global property defining if it is enabled or disabled by default

Many thanks,
Maciej Franek

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