Am 30.04.2015 um 14:49 schrieb Philippe Mouawad:
I think it's a nice idea, we have same the same feedback.

For me it should be in core once linux issue is fixed, what about tested
- Windows 8? 7 ?
- Linux
- Mac OSX ? which os ?

Regarding other questions, answers inline.

On Monday, April 27, 2015, Andrey Pokhilko <
<javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>> wrote:


I have colleagues that do heavy JMeter scripting and they come with idea
to speed-up the process: have hotkeys to add JMeter components to test
plan. Using a hotkey eliminates the need to walk through context menus.
As always, Pareto principle states that 80% of a time people use 20% of
components, so small set of hotkeys would cover most of situations.

I have implemented this feature as Ctrl+0 .. Ctrl+9 hotkey set, with
components configurable through properties. Components are added as a
child of current position, if possible, or a sibling at the nearest
possible scope. I provided my colleagues with patched JMeter and they
found the feature working smoothly.

Pull request for easy review is here: , I will create bugzilla for
this when needed.

As always I ask if other committers support adding this into main JMeter
codebase or not.

Some notes/questions from my side:

   * Where is appropriate place in the docs to document this feature?

Somewhere where Search Feature and templates are documented

   * Are defaults good? What are most used JMeter components?

I would remove or put them at end:
View Results Tree
User Defined Variables
Test Fragment

as although popular you rarely add more than 2 or 3.

I would add :
- Css/JQuery extractor
- Jsr223 Post processor
- Test Action for the timer discussion we had
- JSR223 Pre processir
-Debug Sampler

Often the interesting shortcuts depend on the type of test your are preparing. So I wonder if there could be a new hotkey config element one could include in a test plan, that - if found - would override the configured JMeter hotkeys with the ones defined in this element. With that you would carry your hotkeys with your test plan (and hopefully templates).

Now that maybe would open a can of worms, because the same idea could be useful for other settings as well and user could start to demand more and more GUI for JMeter user properties setting. So maybe another idea could be a startup config element in a plan that would contain a list (key, value) of additional user properties that would be merged after loading the test plan. It probably wouldn't work cleanly for all properties because it comes too late for some, but for many it could work and be helpful.

Probably all too complex but wanted to throw the idea up in the air.



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