Hi all,

I have spend a lot of time lately going through the docs for jmeter and especially looking at the markup side of the documentation.

I have noticed a few things, that could be (hopefully) improved.

Code examples
The code examples are all treated as plain text. There is no further markup to differentiate a shell script from an xml fragment or a java source code example.

Maybe we could use a javascript library like https://github.com/google/code-prettify? We would have to add an language attribute to each of our source code examples and extend the style sheets.

Layout of Menu-paths and key combos
Paths through menu like structures and combination of keys are text only. I propose to add markup (like in docbook) for this.

Notes can be used for different use cases like warnings or infos. I think it would be nice to have an attribute on those notes to make them distinguishable. The style of the note could reflect that attribute.

Icons with fonts
Fonts like https://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/ provide nice looking symbols, that scale well. Should we include such a font and use the symbols for notes, bugs, ...? Would it be a problem, if the font had a non apache license?

PDF files
There are a few pdf files linked on the web page. Should we convert them to xml? I don't think we would really loose anything. On the other hand the xml->html files would be better searchable by search sites. We could link to the original pdf files, if we want to keep them.

Usage of the different style sheets
The web page and the "printable" pages are generated by different style sheets. As far as I can see, the "printable" pages are used by jmeter's internal doc system. Is there any other usage for those pages?

If not, we could strip the number of generated "printable" files further, since I haven't seen a way to show any page except the usermanual/component_reference and usermanual/functions pages.

The web pages should be printable with the latest additions in trunk (at least on firefox and chrome).

What do you think?


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