Am Montag, den 04.04.2016, 19:44 +0300 schrieb Andrey Pokhilko:
> That makes sense.
> The question of "when add it" is separate from "if add it". If your
> objection is only for "when" then we have a time to discuss the idea.
> Actually, I see an opportunity for this mechanism to actually slurp in
> some of JMeter core plugin sets, like "mongodb", "mail" or "ftp" or
> others. The way of "put JMeter functionality into same bucket with its
> dependencies" might allow to isolate JARs that are rarely used and allow
> to not load them in certain cases. This would crystallize core libraries
> from functionality libraries, opening door to manage it.
> I understand that JMeter's core is "time-proven", but time changes and
> world evolves around us. At the time the core loading pieces were
> created, there were not as many plugins and vendors. And now there are
> tens of them. Makes sense to evolve the tool to reflect new realities.
> sebb, can you review the code and say your opinion if it is truly
> non-intrusive?
> Others, can you express your opinion on this feature/idea? Milamber, Felix?

I don't want to include it in 3.0, but I think a standard way to include
thirdparty libraries apart from editing is a nice
feature to have.


> Andrey Pokhilko
> On 04/04/2016 07:30 PM, sebb wrote:
> > I am -1 for adding this in 3.0
> >
> > I don't think there's enough time to consider whether it truly is
> > non-intrusive or even whether it is the best solution.
> >
> > It took quite a while to sort out JMeter class paths to ensure that
> > classes are only loaded when necessary.
> > The more jars there are in core JMeter, the more this becomes
> > important to minimise memory consumption.
> >
> > It may turn out to be OK, but this is not something that can be added
> > at the last minute.
> >
> >
> > On 4 April 2016 at 17:19, Andrey Pokhilko <> wrote:
> >> How does it help to remove complexity from user? Is there a way to
> >> seamlessly put bunch of files taken from plugin vendor and get them
> >> loaded by JMeter? It's not convenient way to require users to edit
> >> properties files every time they install plugins.
> >>
> >> Until now there was kinda "seamless" way of dropping JAR files into
> >> "lib" and "lib/ext", but it mixes core JARs with third-party JARs,
> >> making it difficult to solve possible conflicts.
> >>
> >> Why you object against some "new" mechanism in JMeter? Does it do any harm?
> >>
> >> Andrey Pokhilko
> >>
> >> On 04/04/2016 07:10 PM, sebb wrote:
> >>> On 4 April 2016 at 14:34, Andrey Pokhilko <> wrote:
> >>>> Due to non-intrusive nature of the change, may I commit the change to
> >>>> become part of 3.0 before we got first RC?
> >>>>
> >>>> Any objections?
> >>> Yes, I object.
> >>>
> >>> Unless I am misunderstanding something there is *already* a mechanism
> >>> for handling external jars and classes which is much more flexible.
> >>>
> >>> That is, the user.classpath property and the plugin_dependency_paths 
> >>> property.
> >>>
> >>>> Andrey Pokhilko
> >>>>
> >>>> On 04/04/2016 03:36 PM, Philippe Mouawad wrote:
> >>>>> On Monday, April 4, 2016, Andrey Pokhilko <
> >>>>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>> wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> I've prepared a pull request, everyone can try playing with it:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> The way it is done do not break any of existing jmeter class search
> >>>>>> functionalities. In fact, it just extends the list of search paths
> >>>>>> (thanks for hint, Philippe). So just more places searched for classes,
> >>>>>> nothing more.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Please review the pull request and tell me what you think. Including if
> >>>>>> it is safe to put it into 3.0 or not (it's my humble request, waiting
> >>>>>> another year for next JMeter release is a bit too much :)
> >>>>> It is a 3.0 so it took a bit more time.
> >>>>> I think in future we should release more often (2/3 times a year unless
> >>>>> there's no need).
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Note Andrei I didn't see you react on my 2/3 threads about releasing :) 
> >>>>>  ,
> >>>>> there is a last one open
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> Andrey Pokhilko
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> On 04/04/2016 02:50 PM, Philippe Mouawad wrote:
> >>>>>>> Yes it was a typo.
> >>>>>>> This needs checking particularly for plugins that dynamically search 
> >>>>>>> for
> >>>>>> a
> >>>>>>> class implementing an interface.
> >>>>>>> I don't have access to my computer but it's for example  the 
> >>>>>>> class/method
> >>>>>>> that is used in ViewResultsTree to search for renderers. There are 
> >>>>>>> other
> >>>>>>> place where such mechanism is used.
> >>>>>>> We need to be sure that placing plugin and dependencies in the same
> >>>>>> folder
> >>>>>>> will not break this part.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Regards
> >>>>>>> Philippe
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> On Monday, April 4, 2016, Andrey Pokhilko <> wrote:
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> I assume "we do plugin dependencies go" is misprint for "where".
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> The idea is to make plugins dirs self-sufficient and, most important,
> >>>>>>>> don't touch jmeter's core "lib" and "lib/ext" dirs with plugins.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> No recursive search implied, just flat list of jars in directory
> >>>>>> expected.
> >>>>>>>> For example, both file of ssh-sampler plugin would be in its dir:
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> jmeter
> >>>>>>>>   \ lib
> >>>>>>>>    \ 3rdparty
> >>>>>>>>     \ ssh-sampler
> >>>>>>>>      \ ssh-sampler-1.0.jar
> >>>>>>>>      | jsh-1.2.3.jar
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Andrey Pokhilko
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> On 04/04/2016 02:37 PM, Philippe Mouawad wrote:
> >>>>>>>>> Hi Andrei,
> >>>>>>>>> With this approach, we do plugin dependencies go ?
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> Thanks
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> On Monday, April 4, 2016, Andrey Pokhilko < 
> >>>>>>>>> <javascript:;>>
> >>>>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>> I'm fine with not putting this into 3.0, if it's important for you 
> >>>>>>>>>> to
> >>>>>>>>>> release it ASAP and you see a risk with this addition. I myself 
> >>>>>>>>>> don't
> >>>>>>>>>> see any risks as long as change is made and reviewed carefully.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> With "search_paths" property, the problem is that user has to
> >>>>>>>>>> reconfigure it for every new plugin set he installs. So instead of
> >>>>>>>>>> simplifying life for user we would complicate it. "search_paths"
> >>>>>>>>>> property implies that there's single and predictable plugins set 
> >>>>>>>>>> for
> >>>>>>>>>> installation. My idea is to have directory structure agreement that
> >>>>>>>>>> allows any number of separate plugin sets from any vendors.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Andrey Pokhilko
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> On 04/04/2016 02:24 PM, Philippe Mouawad wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
> >>>>>>>>>>> 3.0 is very close to release, I suggest we freeze new dev now and
> >>>>>>>> release
> >>>>>>>>>>> it.
> >>>>>>>>>>> I have been asked tens of time when it's out.
> >>>>>>>>>>> This can be done in 3.1
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> For info, this can already be done currently with search_paths
> >>>>>> property
> >>>>>>>>>> and
> >>>>>>>>>>> user.classpath one.
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> Regards
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> On Monday, April 4, 2016, Refael Botbol <
> >>>>>>>> <javascript:;>
> >>>>>>>>>> <javascript:;>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>> I'm using lots of 3rd party plugins with JMeter and to me it will
> >>>>>> make
> >>>>>>>>>> life
> >>>>>>>>>>>> much easier because:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>    1. If i'm installing a new plugin which crashes - i can 
> >>>>>>>>>>>> uninstall
> >>>>>>>> it
> >>>>>>>>>>>>    quickly.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>    2. It will give a clear list of which plugins I'm currently 
> >>>>>>>>>>>> using
> >>>>>>>>>> incase
> >>>>>>>>>>>>    I need to run my script on a different machine
> >>>>>>>>>>>>    3. Upgrading JMeter to a newer version will be almost seamless
> >>>>>>>> (just
> >>>>>>>>>>>>    updating the path to my 3rd party plugin..) that way I don't 
> >>>>>>>>>>>> need
> >>>>>>>> to
> >>>>>>>>>>>>    duplicate every plugin across multiple JMeter versions I have
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Apr 4, 2016 at 1:47 PM Andrey Pokhilko <
> >>>>>>>> <javascript:;>
> >>>>>>>>>> <javascript:;> <javascript:;>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> No, I don't mean OSGification. I mean just classpath building.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> In case of library clash the earlier entry in classpath will 
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> win.
> >>>>>> At
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> least, there will be easy way to understand which plugins set
> >>>>>> brings
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> which library and reveal the plugins conflicts. For now, all 
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> guavas
> >>>>>>>> go
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> into "lib" and you look at it with no idea "why did it happen 
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> and
> >>>>>> how
> >>>>>>>>>> to
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> go out of it".
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Andrey Pokhilko
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> On 04/04/2016 01:34 PM, Vladimir Sitnikov wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Do you mean some kind of OSGification?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> What if different 3rdparties try to include different versions 
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> of,
> >>>>>>>>>> say,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> guava?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which version will ultimately be loaded in your suggested
> >>>>>> approach?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vladimir
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> --
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Refael Botbol, BlazeMeter.
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Director of Professional Services
> >>>>>>>>>>>>

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