During Proxy recording I have requests that I want to handle with a
SampleCreator other than the DeafultSampleCreator, but the
SamplerCreatorFactory only lets the Content-Type header determine
which creator is used.

I propose to allow other header type fields to select the
SamplerCreator. Currently in my local installation I am selecting the
SamplerCreator first using the content-type  header and then falling
back to the accept header:

SamplerCreator creator = samplerCreatorMap.get(request.getContentType());

if (creator == null) {
  creator = samplerCreatorMap.get(request.getAccept());

But it would probably be better to add an additional method to the
SamplerCreator for getManagedAcceptTypes and have two maps
samplerCreatorContentTypeMap and samplerCreatorAcceptMap.

Any thoughts around handling this any other ways?


Michael Chirlin

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