> > Java 7 is EOL since April 2015 (
> > http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/eol-135779.html)
> Oracle jdk 7 is eol. There is still openjdk. I don't think that has
> reached eol yet.

EOL means "no more public updates, including security ones".
Is there a vast number of users who absolutely cannot install Java 8?
Do they know their Java 7 installations might have critical security issues?

What are the true reasons to support Java 7?
Note: if JMeter was a library that is used by some well-known application
that is stuck with Java 7, then it would make sense to support Java 7.

JMeter is a standalone application, thus I see very little reasons to stick
with Java 7 since April 2015 was more than a year ago.

I think we should wait a bit longer before dropping java 7 support, or
> maybe take milamber's approach of supporting two branches.

Java 6 support was dropped after Java 6 was 2 years into EOL.
On April 2017 it would be 2 years since Java 7 EOL. Even if we start java 8
migration right away, we would not release earlier than April 2017. I wish
I were wrong here, but my experience shows that JMeter does not release


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