Am 18.01.2017 um 17:54 schrieb Philippe Mouawad:
Anybody knows why in  Java 8 on Mac OSX / Linux / Windows (but is it ) (at
least in last update but maybe in others)  version:

   - securerandom.source=file:/dev/random

While in last Java 7 version:

   - securerandom.source=file:/dev/urandom

From my experience this could have very bad performance on Linux servers
for example and could block.

Is it because something has changed in Java 8 ?
Reading the comments in file, I don't see / understand what.

Thanks for any feedback.

Note that due to a JVM bug (I'm inclined to call it a bug) for Java up until version 7 although file:/dev/urandom is configured it will actually use file:/dev/randum (no "u"). That's why one typically finds the suggestion to use file:/dev/./urandom or file:/dev//urandom instead (any URL that is semantically equivalent to file:/dev/urandom but not stringwise identical will do).

For Java 8 the bug got fixed but the same time they changed the default maybe to not switch the effective default behavior. So now one again needs a non-default setting to ensure non-blocking behavior. For java 8, file:/dev/uranom will do, but the old workaround file:/dev/./urandom suggested for Java 7 will still do for Java 8.



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