Philippe>But is comparison fair in this case ?

Well, of course it is.

It could make sense to integrate "UI freeze profiling" right into JMeter
code so we could identify those freezes and tame them.
For instance: take an automatic thread dump in case UI thread spends more
than 500ms when processing a request (or something like that).

If we could capture UI latencies somehow, then we could plot them and
compare them (e.g. validate how different fixes impact/improve actual
JMeter use).

Back to the comparison, let me just cite the the conclusions for you (pay
attention to the second sentence of the first paragraph):

According to the measurements, replaceRange + append works faster than
setText except for the case when text is fully replaced. *In 100% replace
case setText is on par with replaceRange + append (the results are within
error bounds).*

For small appends there's a win in terms of response time and memory


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