
FAQ #18: I want to use “Monitor Results” of JMeter
The answer apparently predates the deprecation and removal of the "Monitor
Results" component and related documentation: it refers to the "Monitor
Results" component and the "Use as Monitor" flag on samplers.

The removal of this functionality poses a problem for those of use who
wrote tests which depended upon it.  The old components allowed reports to
include and correlate load with a variety of server metrics in a consistent
and reusable manner.  While there is a page on the wiki called Monitoring
Servers <https://wiki.apache.org/jmeter/MonitoringServers>, it only
contains a three item list and only for Tomcat monitoring.
Going forward, what is the supported/expected method for monitoring server
resource consumption and server health during a load test?  Will there be
any enhancements to the current reporting to include server metrics with
the data collected by JMeter ?


*Merrill Kashiwabara*
Product Sr Software Quality Engineer II
ERT | 500 Rutherford Avenue | Boston, MA 02129 | USA


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