Frequently when using JMeter functions, users don't really know for certain
use cases where to put the function, here are few examples:

   - Any function which output will not be used directly by sample
   - Such type of functions:
      - https://jmeter-plugins.org/wiki/InterThreadCommunication/
   - you want to create a variable from the output of a function and update
   it on each iteration:
      - User Defined Variable is not an option as evaluation occurs on
      start of test
      - User Parameters being a preprocessor, it would be evaluated on each
      call, so you need to nest it inside a Flow Control Action, not very
      intuitive right ?

I also remember when I started using JMeter that I found this part

I think it would be nice to have a solution for this, that would evaluate
the variables/functions exactly at the place where the call is present and
without generating any SampleResult.

We could implement this:

   - as an enhancement to Flow Control Action
   - as a new Sampler

What's your thoughts on this ?


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