I've finished the migration.

The next steps are:
* Add issue templates on GitHub
E.g. https://github.com/apache/lucene/pull/1024
* Handle <issue>...</issue> template in documentation markup (currently,
changelog expects <bug>..</bug>
* Update documentation references (Bugzilla -> GitHub Issues)

It looks like I should not have used "milestone" for the "Version" field.
"milestone" is probably more like "fixed version",
while the issue is typically created with "affects version".

There were small glitches during the migration, however, I think they are
nothing to worry about.
* ~14 issues 6734..7632 were migrated twice
* I accidentally used "end of july" dump for the migration, however, then I
re-added comments
 see https://github.com/apache/jmeter/issues/5507#issuecomment-1256926047
 The impact was 9 comments across 5 issues.


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