> With the -1 from Philippe, we cannot release 5.6rc1 as 5.6...

Why is that?
1) Please review https://www.apache.org/foundation/voting.html#ReleaseVotes
"Releases may not be vetoed"
2) Please review https://www.apache.org/foundation/voting.html#ReleaseVotes
"at least three PMC members must vote affirmatively for release, and there
must be more positive than negative votes"
Both conditions satisfied. We have three +1 from PMC members (Milamber,
Vladimir, Antonio), and the number of positive votes is more than negative
3) I do not think there are serious issues with 5.6 release
4) The jars have already propagated to Maven Central which is **outside**
of the ASF reach:
Somebody might have started using them, and if you convince Sonatype folks
to remove 5.6 jars, you might break the build for those who use it already.
5) Philippe have not provided the reproducer test case, so I doubt we must
trigger a rollback right away. Even if the issue is there, we could fix it
in 5.6.1. There's no need to rollback in a hurry.

Of course, it is up to the release manager, however, I would suggest you
consider the above items (release voting rules, issue severity, and so on)
once again and present your decision.


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