Lets add it to the ApacheCon meetup agenda.

On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 5:14 AM, Matt Post <> wrote:

> This would be a great thing to do once we push out the first release. I'd
> be happy to participate if anyone wants to team up.
> > Begin forwarded message:
> >
> > From: Sally Khudairi <>
> > Subject: Blogging opportunities on and
> > Date: April 17, 2016 at 8:56:55 PM EDT
> > To: Committers <>
> > Reply-To: Sally Khudairi <>
> >
> > Hello Apache Committers!
> >
> > As the Apache community is widely recognized for it's diversity,
> innovation, and expertise, we have an open invitation for Apache Committers
> to blog for and
> >
> > Topics can range from specific Apache projects (top-level
> features/benefits/* --not at the developer/technical/coding level) to
> ApacheCon (why you're attending/what you're presenting) to The Apache Way
> (process/methodologies/*) to general Open Source
> (theory/innovation/opportunities/challenges), but _NOT_ commercial
> promotion.
> >
> > have an editorial calendar [1] that might be helpful in
> sparking ideas for either outlet.
> >
> > Please let me know if you're interested (specify which blog --or both!)
> and I'll be happy to connect you.
> >
> > Warm thanks,
> > Sally
> >
> > [1]
> >
> > = = = = =
> > vox +1 617 921 8656
> > gvox +1 646 598 4616
> > skype sallykhudairi


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