
I apologize for the wide distribution, but since my email to general@
didn't seem to have reached all of the podling communities, I took
the liberty of direct email. Here's the deal:

If you are (or anybody you know who's passionate about your project is)
going to travel to Vancouver for ApacheCON we've got an awesome
opportunity for you to showcase your project. Even if you don't have
talks scheduled in the regular program, consider doing a lighting talk
at Podling Shark Tank:

You've got nothing to lose (in fact, the opposite: you're likely to get
a prize!) and you will get a chance to receive feedback that might
actually help you grow your community and ultimately graduate to the
TLP status. Given our awesome panel of judges:
     * Jim Jagielski
     * Shane Curcuru
     * Milind Bhandarkar
We guarantee this to be a fun and useful event for your community!

Please sign up on the wiki ASAP. The time is running out!


P.S. If you have *any* questions whatsoever, but especially if you have
questions on logistics please email me directly.

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