Hi folks,

Just a status update, since I / we are a bit behind: I'm in the process of 
putting together the first language pack, along with a script that will bundle 
it with the jar, a README describing its use and assembly, a CREDITS file 
describing the data used to build the model, and a BENCHMARK file listing the 
performance on test sets. All of these are being more-or-less automatically 
assembled and I think it's important to include in the language packs.

Once I have the version of that put together, I'll post it for your review and 
testing. I hope to do this first thing next week. We can then move to do our 
first release. There are a number of small things we need to do (updating the 
CHANGELOG, site documentation, etc), but I think we're mostly ready.

A colleague here is also putting together a large number of language packs for 
lots of different languages. I'll have a list soon.


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