Hey everyone,

I'm packaging up a Java port Fast Align for Joshua and integrating it into
the pipeline.
Fast Align does not produce symmetrical alignments -- it relies on a tool
that I haven't ported to Java.
We package symal (which symmetricizes alignments) with Joshua right now for
GIZA++, so I'm attempting to re-use that.
However, symal uses the .bal format, which it fails to describe.
It gets away with this because files from GIZA++ are piped through
giza2bal.pl, which itself is not well documented.
I'm attempting to write, say, fastalign2bal.py.
With a bit of tinkering, I got at the .bal format:


7 jehovah said to moses and aaron :  # 3 2 2 4 5 6 8

8 i řekl hospodin mojžíšovi a aronovi takto :  # 2 2 1 4 5 6 6 7

A template for which would be


NUM_TGT_TOKENS [tgt_token1 tgt_token2 ... tgt_tokenN] # [alignment1
alignment2 ... alignmentN]
NUM_SRC_TOKENS [src_token1 src_token2 ... src_tokenN] # [alignment1
alignment2 ... alignmentN]

However, I'm hitting some pretty nasty errors with symal when I pipe in
some fastalign2bal.py output.
A few hours with gdb made some progress (for as far as I can tell, the
formats are identical) but if anyone has experience with symal, I would
greatly appreciate some consultation.


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