This would be easy to do. Maybe just a simple prompt that alerts the user? 
Something like

        echo "Warning: this script downloads many tools used in building and 
        echo "Joshua. Not all of them are Apache Licensed. If you wish to 
continue, hit Enter".
        read j
        if [[ ! -z $j ]]; then
                echo "Quitting."

> On Nov 25, 2016, at 10:41 AM, Tom Barber <> wrote:
> This may have come up before in the whole licensing chat so apologies if
> I'm just going over old ground.
> The file obviously downloads and builds stuff with non ASF
> licenses, I realise this is for model training purposes only, and 99.9%
> wont care, but should we consider putting a prompt into that script warning
> people. I ask because a company might add in the training modules blindly
> assuming because the script is distributed by the ASF the modules are also
> ASL2.0.
> Just a thought.
> Tom
> -- 
> Tom Barber
> CTO Spicule LTD
> GB: +44(0)5603641316
> US: +18448141689

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