One project I think could be interesting for Joshua's future is sketched here.

- Dynamic phrase tables. Joshua currently lets people add custom phrases to the 
existing models that then get used. There is a research topic here for how to 
make it better (particularly, how to set the weights of rules that are added at 
runtime instead of learned from bitext), but it works really well for adding 
words that are OOV (since it's always cheaper to use the OOV). Here's a demo of 
how this works (this feature is included in the language packs). 

- Translation memories. There is a large commercial market (billions) for tools 
called "translation memories", where translators are translating documents, and 
the sentences get queried against their past translations and matched in a 
fuzzy fashion. The big tool on the market for this is SDL Trados 
I'm not talking about selling a product, but in a space that big, there have 
got to be a lot of people who'd rather just run their own system, than shell 
out for an expensive (and ugly) tool. So there is a big niche for an open 
source tool, and currently nothing really filling it. The "dynamic phrase 
table" feature above provides the beginnings of offering a TM competitor, but 
one that is "seeded" with a regular statistical machine translation model.

- Dynamic re-tuning. One thing that'd be *really* cool is to revamp the tuning 
infrastructure in Joshua. The use-case I imagine is that Joshua could sit on 
top of a large tuning set across diverse domains (e.g, formal news, informal 
web logs, spoken dialogue, etc). You could then add new phrases in sentences as 
above, which would get automatically aligned, and then everything could be 
retuned at the user's request (or perhaps at night). This way, when people 
added new data to their models, Joshua would automatically find the best 
weights, either immediately or on some schedule. There'd be less worry about 
bit rot.

- Data collection and sharing. Another cool idea would be to allow people to 
easily send us data. If we get to a place where people are building custom 
dynamic phrase tables, a cool ability would be to make it easy for people to 
upload the data they have added to their private systems, which we could then 
collect and further distribute. So Joshua could become an easy means for people 
to crowdsource data used for translation systems. This is obviously just a 
high-level idea that would require a lot of details to be figured out, but it 
would be super cool.


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