I've fixed a couple really tricky bugs the past week and I'd like more
eyes on the changes:

"threadContextMap leaks RubyThread on death of adopted thread"
Fixed in 364c41a on branch "jruby-4264"

This one introduces a reference queue to ThreadService to clean up old
(leaking, in embedded scenarios) RubyThread instances that accumulated
one per new thread that enters a JRuby runtime. It seems to work fine,
but given that there's no example case to exercise it I'm worried.
Bonus points to come up with a test case that exercises it.

"jirb_swing broken: JRuby picking wrong constructor, with no obvious
work around"
Fixed in c1672c4

This one required some enhancements to how we choose Java methods.
Specifically, it now examines arguments one at a time, ranking better
matches closer to the beginning of the argument list higher. The old
logic (which is still used as a fallback, to handle varargs), scanned
the args all at once, looking for an all "exact" match or an all
"assignable" match and so on. This caused many methods to be equally
valid, and so on different JVMs and different platforms a different
method might be chosen. I'd like someone to just read through my logic
and see if I did anything silly. It also needs a test case.

"Java exceptions can't be rescued with "rescue Exception""
Fixed in 323ba1e
Follow-up fix in 091db96

This one scares me quite a bit. Recently it was reported here on the
mailing list that a Ruby "rescue Exception" was not rescuing Java
exceptions. Obviously the spirit of "rescue Exception" is to rescue
all exceptional cases, so that they can be handled in some reasonably
graceful way. The result of not rescuing Java exceptions is that it
wasn't possible for Ruby code to cover all possible exits from a body
of code, and in the reporter's case ActiveRecord ended up going ahead
and committing a transaction. The bug is bad, but I'm worried about
the cure. Java exceptions are now examined and caught for all cases of
"rescue Exception" or "rescue Object", which means it's possible for
Ruby code to interfere with the propagation of those exceptions if
it's not careful. It also meant that JRuby-internal exceptions had to
be marked as "Unrescuable" so they would always propagate
appropriately, or else things like catch/throw and non-local
break/return would stop working right in the presence of "rescue

Anyone who has a little time to help review the changes...I'd really
appreciate it :)

- Charlie

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