Here's my concerns:

* We've already started moving our build into Rake a bit by bit, and
the bootstrapping question becomes apparent very quickly. In other
words, we need JRuby (or Ruby) to run Buildr/Rake, but need
Buildr/Rake to build JRuby.
* Our Ant build has been a bitch to maintain, but now that it works
pretty much everyone can build out of the box. That's very valuable.

I would guess that Buildr would make our Maven nonsense easier, and
maybe even allow us to yank out of our src the libraries that can be
directly fetched from Maven (like we have experimented with using Ivy
in the past), so that's definitely a bonus. And of course not having
to maintain the Ant script is a benefit in any case.

I am interested in hearing other opinions.

- Charlie

On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 5:08 PM, Antoine Toulme
<> wrote:
> Hi devs,
> I would like to contribute a Buildr based build to JRuby. Buildr is a
> Rake-based build system that integrates well with Maven repositories, has a
> goal-based lifecycle that is very easy to extend and work with.
> Buildr works on top of MRI or JRuby.
> I recently contributed a build using Buildr for jffi that shows a drastic
> reduction of the complexity of the ant build files.
> It is currently waiting for review on jira, and there may be more work as my
> C skills didn't allow me to finish the C compilation part:
> This email is meant to test the waters. Please also note I would work on the
> build system on my own as time permits, so I cannot give a firm date to
> contribute it.
> Any strong objections ?
> Thanks,
> Antoine

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