Hmm, not really any good docs. Along with annotating, you need to
define the extension classes and tell them to bind annotated methods.
A good example extension would be jruby-spymemcached:

Key details are clsOrMod.defineAnnotatedMethods(Something.class) and
not shown in this extension is the constant version

- Charlie

On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 11:34 PM, Jonathan Coveney <> wrote:
> Adding to this, I tried including @JRubyMethod tags and whatnot as per the
> instructions, and I compiled my project and it didn't seem like they got
> picked there something special I need to do?
> Thanks again. I am really intrigued by this project.
> 2011/10/18 Jonathan Coveney <>
>> Is there any documentation on using @JRubyMethod, @JRubyClass, that sort
>> of thing, and the arguments that they accept? I can sort of figure it out
>> from the source but it is all uncommented and I can't find anything in the
>> wiki. In the same vein, any tips on extending RubyObject would be lovely.
>> Thanks!
>> Jon

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