I've been working on an overhaul of our test suites and targets. This
email serves to update JRuby devs on the lay of the land.

All .rb-based test suites have been moved out of the ant build into
rake. The ant targets you're familiar with will still end up invoking
them, but I'd like to encourage devs to do most testing via rake.

The following suites are available and come in 1.8 and 1.9 versions.
Append 1.9 to get the 1.9 runs, or omit it for the 1.8 runs. Move of
you will use one of the first three day-to-day.

test => test:short
test19 => test:short19
test18 => test:short18

test:short => jruby, rubicon, mri in 1.8 and 1.9 modes
test:short19 => above in just 1.9 mode
test:short18 => above in just 1.8 mode

test:long => all of test_short plus the the :slow, :objectspace, and
:tracing tests in 1.8 and 1.9 modes
test:long19 => above in just 1.9 mode mintes :slow, :objectspace, :tracing
test:long18 => above in just 1.8 mode mintes :slow, :objectspace, :tracing

The above suites all run with the standard AST interpreter. The "all"
versions permute compiler modes.

test:all => all of test:long in 1.8 and 1.9 modes and with all four
compiler modes (-X-C, -Xjit.threshold=0, -X+C, -X-CIR)
test:all19 => above in just 1.9 mode
test:all18 => above in just 1.8 mode

The above suites are made up of the following seven suites, permuted
for 1.8 and 1.9 and compiler modes. Check rake -T for the complete

test:jruby - JRuby's own suite
test:rubicon - The Rubicon test suite
test:mri - MRI's suite
spec:ji - Java integration specs
spec:compiler - JRuby compiler specs
spec:ffi - FFI specs
spec:regression - Bug-related regression specs

I still need to get RubySpec runs into this matrix and move the JUnit
tests into Rake targets, but things are looking a bit cleaner now.

- Charlie

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