The upgrade to 1.47 is already being worked on here:

On Jan 8, 2013, at 11:10 PM, Matt Hauck <> wrote:

> I am glad to hear that I will at least be able to upgrade to jruby 1.7.2 and 
> replace out the built-in openssl support in case I need to make a fork with 
> this bouncy castle 1.47 support. I've got it compiling now with the updated 
> BC now, and am beginning to work through some more the more difficult 
> changes. The biggest has to do with deprecating X509Name in favor of X500Name 
> and the various implications of this.
> -- 
> Matt Hauck
> On Tuesday, January 8, 2013 at 8:00 PM, Matt Hauck wrote:
>> Sadly not so. If you try replacing the bc*.jar files in build_lib with 
>> bcprov and bcpkik 1.47 versions you will find the build fails with 100 
>> errors.
>> -- 
>> Matt Hauck
>> On Tuesday, January 8, 2013 at 7:01 PM, kristian wrote:
>>> Jruby 1.7.x comes with openssl bundled. I think from version 1.7.1 onwards 
>>> bouncy castle gets a java package rewrite and is used only internally for 
>>> openssl. So you are free to add any version of bouncy castle as needed by 
>>> your application - just do not add the jruby-openssl since this will pull 
>>> in the old version.
>>> Kristian

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