
As per the versioning proposal, we should release 2.11.0-M8 in November.
I'd like to include a small
refactoring before going with the release, and if needed patch the
IndexPlugin, so I'd like to do the
release first/second week of December if nobody opposes.

2.11.0-M8 should include the much needed fix for the not-working-searches
and persist the workflows on

After this, I'd like to change Log4J with Log4J2, keeping backwards
compatibility as much as possible.
Log4J configuration should be still loaded if present, so current 3rd party
extensions keep working without
having to do anything, but JSPWiki itself and newer 3rd party extensions
would be logged with Log4J2. Of
course, this could be discussed further if deemed necessary.

After this, I'd like to call it 2.11.0 instead of M9: all libraries
would've been updated to latest and greatest,
and proposed breaking changes for 2.11.0 would be all over. After 8
releases and a bit more than two and
a half years, I think it's ok to go back to semantic versioning, as is
described on the versioning proposal.


juan pablo

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