On 11/19/15 6:55 AM, Alex O'Ree wrote:
Hello world!

Matthieu Ghilain has recently been extremely helpful in finding bugs
with area's of the code base that haven't been touched in several
years or are not covered during the automated tests. He's also
submitted a few solutions.

JIRA history

It would be great to have join the project as a committer. He'll
actually be the first one since I joined back in March 2013.

This vote will be open for the next 72 hours.

My vote +1.
It'd be great to have a new committer on the project, usually you'd like to see someone submit some patches though. An understanding of UDDI may not necessarily translate to someone writing good code.. From his code discussions on the mailing list he seems rather familiar with the code. If Matthieu can attach any patch files to some jiras that would be much better, so we have something to base the vote on. I really want to add my positive vote!



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