Thanks for sharing this! What is the message size for the throughput
numbers stated below?

On Nov 22, 2013 6:59 AM, "Magnus Edenhill" <> wrote:

> This announces the 0.8.0 release of librdkafka - The Apache Kafka client C
> library - now with 0.8 protocol support.
> Features:
> * Producer (~800K msgs/s)
> * Consumer  (~3M msgs/s)
> * Compression (Snappy, gzip)
> * Proper failover and leader re-election support - no message is ever lost.
> * Configuration properties compatible with official Apache Kafka.
> * Stabilized ABI-safe API
> * Mainline Debian package submitted
> * Production quality
> Home:
> Introduction and performance numbers:
> Have fun.
> Regards,
> Magnus
> P.S.
> Check out Wikimedia Foundation's varnishkafka daemon for a use case -
> varnish log forwarding over Kafka:

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