If you are doing batch encryption then you are more similar to a scenario of 
file encryption. The more frequent the messages are you are closer to the 
ssl/https scenarios. You may learn from those protocols on how they handle 
keys, how long they keep them etc. to implement your E2e solution .

> Am 08.08.2019 um 08:11 schrieb Maulin Vasavada <maulin.vasav...@gmail.com>:
> Hi Sönke Liebau
> <https://www.mail-archive.com/search?l=dev@kafka.apache.org&q=from:%22S%C3%B6nke+Liebau%22>
> Thanks for the great detailed documentation. However, I feel by leaving the
> KMS outside of Kafka might simplify the whole thing to a great extent. If
> the broker is not going to touch the encrypted messages, why would we put
> any dependency of KMS interfaces on the Broker. We have experimented doing
> end-to-end message encryption and we used topic level keys and message
> encryption with serializer wrapper which encrypts each message before
> serializing. The serializer wrapper have to integrate with required KMS we
> use internally and that was all.
> However one key observation we had was - if we could do encryption at
> 'batch' level instead of 'per-message' it can perform much better
> (depending upon batch sizing). We didn't experiment with that though.
> Thanks
> Maulin

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